This weekend we had visitors! Our friends Sarah and David decided to come up to help out and enjoy a little fall camping.  Now I didn’t ask, but I can bet given they are seasoned home renovators they may have been looking forward to doing some serious framing or drywall work. What did we do? Paint!

For the soffits we went with a v-joint wood boards. That’s right.  Wood. No vinyl in sight. My dear husband’s choice, even knowing that he’ll be the one repainting it in a few years. There are a number of houses in our neighbourhood in Toronto and I’ll admit it is a nice look.

So the final look is that all those boards would be painted, and we decided it would be easier to paint them on the ground before they’re installed, that way we only have to touch up post installation. So this weekend we were painting, and Sarah and David were awesome help as we tackled painting 600 square feet of board. We even set ourselves up with a little assembly line to do it.

The weekend wasn’t all work. Sarah and David rolled out some gourmet camping eats. Barbecue steak sandwiches with cheese and arugula for lunch. Then was dinner… these amazing monster pork chops with corn on the cob and veggie kabobs. We were in camp foodie heaven. A big change from our meeger sausage over the fire or campfire grilled cheese sandwiches. These folks know how to eat when camping!

The night was a rare mild autumn night. Dry, not too cool, and even serenaded by what sounded like more than one pack of coyotes and our neighbour’s cattle.

By the end of the weekend, many leaves had fallen and many boards were painted. A big thank you to Sarah and David for all of their help and for spoiling us all weekend!